Deploy django on ubuntu vps | Deploy python django on server | Make live your python app In ubuntu server | django on server

Hey everyone Let’s start with to be continued topic here that how we can deploy python django apps in ubuntu vps..
So let’s start
So before that if you dont know how to setup a ubuntu server please click here to check out..
So after setting up server now the time to setup django on ubuntu. Before that let’s recall what we have done.
We have installed apache, php, mysql, python and pip too..👍
Now the time is to install django.
So for that we can simply move on to a location that is
cd /var/www
Then let’s create a folder for storing our project file.
sudo mkdir djangoproject
Install virtual environments using pip3 and activate it.
sudo pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv djangoproj
source djangoproj/bin/activate
Then create a Django project inside virtualenv
django-admin startproject djangoproj .
I have given “.” here that all the files will be extracted there only otherwise it will create a new folder again with the same name.
Now you can see some of the files will be created automatically and that is the specialty of django framework if you wanted to know more about framework click here
Ok so now to time is to run and test our project is it running fine.
so give command ls and you can see “” otherwise go to the project folder you will find
now give the command
python runserver
And BOOM.. now you can see your django server has been started. but how you can see your django server for that just stop the server by clicking “ ctrl-c”
Then go to that also will be inside your project folder using cd command.
open using command.
sudo nano
And search for “allowed_hosts = []”
Now you have to enter your ip address inside that square braces like this
Allowed_Hosts= [“”]
Thats it…
Now save and come back using command….
give “Ctrl-x” then press “y” and “ enter
” and come back to the folder where will be.
And again start your server using the command
python runserver
Now you can check your Django welcome screen in your browser by entering your server ip address and followed by “:8080” ex: —
I believe you are good at till this point.
So lets move on to the server configuration.
give the command to change some configuration on server
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
Now you can see there nano editor has been opened and you have to modify that.

Please have a look this conf file and change your .conf file according to it.
please make your indentation perfect as here indentation is not proper.
After that disable your already running site and again enable it.
By giving command.
sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf
then: -
sudo a2ensite 000-default.conf
And finally restart apache
sudo service apache2 restart
Now if you have done all these things properly you can check your running on your public ip address.
or else please check it again.
And now your time is to migrate your existing django application to your server django project.
Now you can find your application to be run in your server.
click here for check out python framework
Click here for how to setup a ubuntu server
Click here to know more details about server and types of server.
Thank you everyone 🙏